You can reach us directly on #tosdr at freenode (ping hugoroyd). If you get no answers, for instance because a lot of our contributors are not in your timezone, feel free to leave your contact information. You can also contact us by email to:

Hugo Roy Project Lead a.k.a. Legal Liberator

Hugo is a Free Software hacktivist at Free Software Foundation Europe and a law student at Sciences Po university. He is currently living between Berlin and Paris, where he is often referred to as a Zappa Freak.

Michiel de Jong Code Communist @michielbdejong

Michiel de Jong is an independent freedom hacker, travelling the world while programming for the revolution from his laptop. Apart from ToS;DR he is also involved in The Unhosted Unconference and he is a co-author of the remoteStorage protocol.

Jan-Christoph Borchardt Design Dictator @jancborchardt

Jan-Christoph Borchardt is a free culture interaction designer, advisor & educator. He curates open source web projects, designs unhosted web apps & ownCloud and teaches better usability.

Ian McGowan

Ian received his MA in Forensic Linguistics, the study of language within a legal context, from Cardiff University, investigating consumer motivation behind reading, or not reading, online Terms & Conditions. He is currently living and teaching English in Seville, Spain in addition to contributing to ToS;DR.

Jimm Stout @jimmstout

Jimm is traveling and working from "offices" around the world. Most of his time is going to developing a new version of ToSBack, but he also likes to act like a photographer

Suzanne Azmayesh Analysis Anarchist

Suzanne does not know what she wants to do with her life, so until then she reads terms of service. (Oh, and she has a law degree.)

We would also like to express our gratitude to the people who contribute actively to the project! This includes: Sebastián Waisbrot, Logomancer, Pantsburgh, Duck X, Robin Monks, Erik Albers , Aaron Kelly , Philip L Marcus, Hannah Poteat, Steve Kroon, and also, thanks to the people who funded this project!

Thank you, to all people who contributed and developed web browsers extensions, especially: Abdullah Diaa, Alexander Kahl, Shybyte, and Martin Stadler.

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