What's up?

It's been a while since we've informed you all what's happening around here at ToS;DR, which is a shame because there's lots to talk about!

As far as curating more and more new data points goes, well, we've taken a slight break from that (but don't worry, I'm getting right back on that!) to take a hard look at the points we already had. This was a case of "quality over quantity", where we felt we'd rather have top quality data points for our visitors to see rather than a large amount of shoddy work. Now that we've done that and taken some time to review what we've already collected, it's back to gather new points for new and old services alike.

There's also some great news on the "business" end, that being that we are in the process of becoming a not-for-profit legal entity. This will allow us to take on more projects and apply for grant money outside of running simply on your donations (which we're very grateful for, by the way!). More on that later.

We also have t-shirts and stickers that have been ordered for those of you who contributed to this project financially, as our way of saying thank you. Hopefully those will be getting out to you soon!

Apologies on the delayed blog entry, but keep checking back to see what all is going on behind the scenes here at ToS;DR.